Holovits Law Firm was founded by Dr. Buda Holovits, attorney-at-law, in 2014, following the spin-off from Gergely and Partners Law Firm. Unlike general legal services, our Law Firm specializes in a limited range of areas. Given the limited number of specialized areas of law, our lawyers covering the areas concerned have a significantly higher than average level of professionalism and provide a professional legal service to our clients. Our Law Firm has placed particular emphasis on ensuring that the legal advice we provide is always tailored to our clients’ business needs, thus creating a legal and economic unity of the complex service we provide which is the purpose to be achieved. In addition to high quality professional service, our law firm uses the latest IT systems and solutions to attend to the mandates in a professional way. Given the international background of our clients, our staff provide legal advice in English, German and Hebrew in addition to Hungarian.
Our real estate and construction staff have more than a decade of experience in the relevant field and have in-depth knowledge of the specifics of the local and regional real estate market. In view of the wide range of our clients, our law firm provides services to both private and institutional investors, including legal advice and representation in the field of residential, commercial and industrial real estate, whether it is acquisition, real estate development, construction or litigation.
Since its establishment, our law firm has been closely cooperating with Prisma Holding Zrt., a factoring house, so our staff has gained extensive experience in the field of legal solutions related to the enforcement and management of claims over the past years. Our staff engaged in insolvency law prepare a series of legal and non-legal steps to enforce a claim tailored to the needs of our clients and, in doing so, lay particular emphasis on analyzing the time and cost required to enforce the claim. To enhance the efficiency of the enforcement of claims, the complex legal solutions provided by our office include the mapping of the debtor’s financial background, if necessary, also the inquiry of the debtor’s address, so we can make recommendations to our clients in the selection of enforcement solutions based on the revealed financial circumstances. If, in the light of the core assessment, the enforcement of the claim by non-legal means is the more favorable solution (“soft collection”), our law firm undertakes to contact the debtor by telephone or in person with the use of appropriate professionals and to negotiate with the debtor, as well as to prepare and deliver payment notices. If the legal route is more appropriate for the enforcement of the claim, our law firm can provide full legal representation in order of payment order proceedings and court enforcement, including liaising with the independent bailiff. Due to the international nature of the law firm, we also undertake to enforce claims by legal means within the European Union (European payment order). The IT systems available to our office allow us to handle the enforcement and management of the claims of our clients against a large number of debtors.
We undertake to represent our institutional clients in winding-up, bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings. Our team has extensive experience in the drafting of arrangements with creditors in bankruptcy proceedings and settlement agreements of creditors in liquidation proceedings, as well as in the handling of non-litigious proceedings related to such agreements before the courts.
Our law firm also undertakes litigation representation in court proceedings related to the enforcement of claims.
In a number of circumstances, be it the change of generations, family reasons or other life situations, the actors of economic life need pre-designed measures to ensure the future of their undertaking or family members or loved ones in the long term. The planned measure may include the deliberate change or restructuring of the company’s scope of owners, or the transfer of the assets created in competent hands for a certain period. Selecting the structure that best meets the individual requirements, determines the market assessment of the undertaking and, thus, its market value and, at the same time, is in accordance with the laws in force can significantly reduce the economic, financial and legal risks in the long term as well. Considering that business life is becoming more and more global, the consulting our law firm offers in this area provides sufficient security for the successful implementation of the planned measures in an international legal environment. In addition to corporate wealth planning, our services in the field of wealth planning obviously include wealth planning consulting to individuals as well.
Protecting the property acquired both by individuals and undertakings is a basic economic objective, which primarily means the safekeeping of the assets from the unfounded claims of third persons. In the case of security, the creditors’ and the taxation aspects must be taken into account in addition to focusing on sheltering, preserving and increasing the acquired property. Our staff provides wealth planning advisory services in cooperation with Első Magyar Trust Bizalmivagyonkezelő Zrt.
Our staff dealing with NGOs have extensive experience in the establishment of NGOs, amending their instruments of constitution and their dissolution and, in connection with the latter, in asset settlement procedures. Our Law Office participates in the drafting of the internal policies of NGOs and provides permanent legal representation to our clients. As a result of the changed legal framework, our staff dealing with NGOs have recently gained extensive experience in setting up private foundations and trust foundations and supporting their operations as well.
Contact us
Holovits Law Firm
1062 Budapest, Bajza utca 24.
Tel.: +36 1 354 0993
Fax.: +36 1 269 0762